Cyberpunk Weapon Test
Previous Iterations
These pieces were done in senior and junior year, respectively, yet did not hold the finished quality I wanted to present. I felt that I had the ability to create a world around my model rather than showing off one singular asset.
Simulation Dev
One aspect of this piece that I needed to get right was the finale. The big explosion at the end should be rewarding. So a specially curated simulation was in order. The objects were thrown around in an RBD solver, before being piped into the pyro solver as a source. This combined with a normal explosion source gave the sense of destruction the piece needed.

Some work was done as well to make the muzzle flash true to the natural world, yet sci-fi in nature. However, most of it goes unseen in the final render.

Lots of retexturing was done from the original renders. In order to curate the texture specifically to this model, all of the parts were properly UV unwrapped and textured in Substance Painter.
World Building

This was a great challenge for me since it was the first fully developed scene I have made in my time using 3d. Most of the assets were sourced from Quixel Megascans. However assembling, lighting, and managing the textures of these objects in order to organize them into a scene was a fun challenge.